“…photography collective Lakes Were Rivers quietly steals the show. Its project, Swan Cycle, 2015, involves a low plinth installed with framed photographs of archival material—newspaper clippings, ice sculpture, a painting—that summon the history of the estate, the museum, and photography”.

read the full review here:

Collector’s Circle Commission

December 21, 2015 12:38 pm  /  Uncategorized

The Contemporary Austin has commissioned me to do their annual Collector’s Circle print for 2015.  The work, On my mind again (July 6, 2014) (below) is incentive to join the museum at the Collector’s Circle level and help support a museum that is bringing excellent programming and events to Austin.   Here is a link to the museum’s membership page please consider supporting this outstanding institution!


Lakes Were Rivers’, a collective we founded in 2008, project ‘Swan Cycle’ – nearly 2 years in the making – will be a part of an exhibition on experiential art entitled ‘Strange Pilgrims’, curated by Heather Pesanti with a 300 pg color catalogue & essays by Lawrence Weschler and Ann Reynolds.

Earth day

Electric Blue Flowers is a collection of essays and photographs on phenomenology and photography. More details forthcoming.

Articles and Interviews

June 22, 2015 1:32 pm  /  Uncategorized